
Why PushNinja?

Use creative, straightforward, and personalized browser notifications supported by comprehensive analytics to boost customer engagement and retention.


Access to Multiple Websites

Access to multiple websites is a great feature of the Pushninja app. This feature allows you to quickly and easily access your favorite websites without opening each one individually. Select the websites you want to access from the app's main menu, and they will all be loaded in the order you select them. It makes it easy to keep track of your favorite websites and quickly access them when you need to.

Access to Multiple Websites
 Drip Sequence Automation

Drip Sequence Automation

Drip Sequence Automation from Pushninja is an excellent way to follow up with app users automatically. This feature allows you to program a series of automated push messages to be sent to your users at predetermined intervals. It is a great way to keep your app users engaged and returning for more.


Fruitful Audience Engagement

The result of these efforts is an app that is more engaging and easier to use, which has led to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. Pushninja is quickly becoming the go-to solution for companies looking to improve customer engagement.

Fruitful Audience Engagement


Active users


Data centers


Global uptime


Apps Just $14.99

Increased Visitor Traffic

Increased Visitor Traffic

People are using the app to find new and interesting places to visit, and they're also sharing their experiences with friends and family. This is exactly what we hoped for when we created the app, and we're thrilled to see it being used so effectively.


Effective Audience Classification

Using effective audience classification, determine which target audience members are most likely to respond to a given message. This can be accomplished with the help of market research, surveys, and other data collection tools. Businesses can customize their marketing and advertising efforts to address this group once the most influential audience has been identified.

Effective Audience Classification
Scheduled and Automated Messages

Scheduled and Automated Messages

Scheduled messages are scheduled to be sent out at a later date and time. Automated messages are sent out automatically based on certain conditions, such as when a customer signs up for a service or when a product goes out of stock.


Extensive Data for Analysis

Extensive data for analysis is a body of data used to support decision-making and policymaking. It is often used to help identify trends, understand relationships, and make predictions.

Extensive Data for Analysis
Unbelievable Pricing

Unbelievable Pricing

Unbelievable pricing is when a company charges an extremely low price for a product or service. It could be due to the company being new and wanting to gain market share or because the product is not very good and the company is trying to get rid of it. Unbelievable pricing is not sustainable in the long run and is often used as a loss leader to get customers in the door.


All-in-One Push Notification Software

Unbelievable pricing is when a company charges an extremely low price for a product or service. It could be due to the company's being new and wanting to gain market share, or because the product is not very good and the company is trying to get rid of it. Unbelievable pricing is not sustainable in the long run and is often used as a loss leader to get customers in the door.

Extensive Data for Analysis
24/5 Support and 99.5% Uptime Guarantee

24/5 Support and 99.5% Uptime Guarantee

Customer service will be available 24 hours a day, five days a week, with 24/5 assistance. Your website will be up and functioning at least 99.5 percent of the time if you have a 99.5 percent uptime guarantee.

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