What Are Push Notifications?

Push Notifications are messages that pop up on a mobile device. Users do not have to be on the application before receiving push notifications. Also, app publishers can send them at any time.


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what are push notifications

If you have mobile applications on your mobile, you must have received push notifications without knowing it. They mostly appear after visiting an app you have left unopened for an extended period. For businesses, push notifications have proven to be a great marketing tool.

Push Notifications are messages that pop up on a mobile device. Users do not have to be on the application before receiving push notifications. Also, app publishers can send them at any time.

Push notifications can come in various forms; latest sports scores, call to action for users, event notices, and others.

While using push notifications, you need to follow a strategy to avoid frustrating your audience. For example, if you send too many unsolicited pushes within a short period, your customer can uninstall your application. Hence, it would help to use push notifications for proper notifications that interest your audience.

Push Notifications And Businesses

Push notifications work best when you have an app for your business. They offer you a way to speak directly to your customers. Pushes don’t end up in spam folders, neither are they forgotten in inboxes.

You will record a double click-through rate than your email marketing with a proper push notification strategy. Customers see it immediately, and if the content is right, they engage it immediately. The push takes them directly to your app and significantly increases your conversion.

Businesses have recorded significant ROI on push notifications by using them to:

· Promote goods and services

· Remind customers of their presence

· Improve customer experience

· Convert random app users to customers

· Send receipts immediately

· Drive traffic to other marketing channels

Push Notifications Versus Text Messages

Despite swirling opinions, push notifications do differ from text messages.

Although there are several similarities between the two communication channels, which include:

· Both goes directly to the user’s phone

· Both look similar on the lock screen.

That is where the similarity ends. Some of the differences between the two include:

· Push notifications require a restricted word count. Text messages have a significant word count capacity. You need to stay within the word count limit for your push notification to show on the lock screen.

· Push notifications take your target audience directly to your application. This will significantly increase your chance of converting them. In comparison, text messages take users to their inbox, which increases customers’ journey to conversion.

· Push notifications send precise information, while text messages take a more elaborate course of passing information across.

· Push notifications do not eat up space on the target’s phone. Hence, there is no inbox to delete. Text messages go directly to the user’s inbox, which eats up space.

· Push notifications are free for users to receive. Text messages can charge your receiver, depending on their tariff plan.

· Most people attribute promotional text messages as spam. Push notifications appear and disappear before customers can attribute them to spam.

· Unlike text messages, you can also target a section of your audience with specific push messages.

· When customers receive push notifications, they know exactly where it is coming from. Unlike text messages that can be sent from an unexpected source on the internet.

From a business perspective, push notifications are the best way to keep your audience updated with your latest products and offers. Also, customers trust your push notifications more than text messages. They know where the push came from, and they know they gave consent to the notifications they receive.

Point To Note

To increase your conversion, you need to give your audience a choice to turn your push notifications on or off. This gives them complete control over the messages they receive.

You should know that if you inundate users with too many push messages within a short time, they will turn it off with the same ease they gave you consent. When they turn off your push notifications, each user you lose is a potential customer lost.


Push notification is a direct path to communicating with your audience base. Therefore, you need to treat each notification as a privilege and not a right.

You can set up your own push notification for your business or outsource the responsibility to a third party like PushNinja.

PushNinja is a tool that engages your customers by creating intuitive push messages. The software employs features like a visual designer, drip campaigns, and automation to help you make each notification count.

Get started now at https://pushninja.com.

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